About Community Music

 [Community musicians] are engaged and enthusiastic musicians first, but their work is also related to the work of social activists and agents, music therapists, and those rare teachers who live the democratic “bottom-up” ideal of allowing every voice to be heard in musically expressive ways. [Community music is] viewed as the means of encouraging and empowering participants to come together, to enhance the life of their communities through music, and to contribute to the development of economic regeneration among the disenfranchised, the disabled, the marginalized. Musical excellence is less the point of Community Music (though that is certainly possible) than is the joy of engaging together in making something beautiful.

– Pat Campbell

Dear Friends and Family, 

As you may know, we have been accepted to the MA in Community Music program offered by the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance at the University of Limerick beginning fall 2014. This program offers us a unique opportunity to study a relatively new discipline from an outside perspective, while immersed in a musically rich culture, allowing us to bring these skills back to Austin to help build the local community through music.

You also may know that Austin’s music community is very important to us and we spend a great deal of our time organizing events and working behind the scenes to both build and strengthen that community, whether that is through educational efforts, performances, or advocacy. Through this MA program, we will receive training to further these efforts more effectively and efficiently.

This is the University of Limerick’s description of the program:
The Masters of Arts in Community Music is a one year, full-time, postgraduate programme. The programme will offer a comprehensive grounding in the skills and knowledge needed to function as a successful community musician in a range of contexts. It is aimed at musicians who already have a level of self-expressive skill and who wish to enhance their talents while developing the abilities they will need to facilitate the expressive work of others.

Further Reading about Community Music:




In our minds, implementing and defining our studies in community music will be threefold:

Communities – specific outreach
The word education stems from the Latin word educare, which means “To draw out that which lies within.” Education in a community music context is the embodiment of this definition and benefits all aspects of the whole. Community Music programs have been applied to schools, adult education services, health care settings, residential services, childcare and early education services, youth services, local authorities and arts councils, and prison and probation services. When we return, we will be organizing community music workshops to benefit these types of groups.

The Community – general outreach
This refers to the city as a whole. Building a cohesive music community and advocating for that community is of utmost importance. We will continue the work we have done in conjunction with the Austin Music Commission and the City’s music office, sharing what we learn over the next year with the movers and shakers at the city level.

Community – intrinsic outreach
We’re doing this for something greater than ourselves: communication, connection, advocacy. We will return as better communicators, connectors, and advocates, encouraging, by example and by active engagement, a greater interaction and a higher a quality of life.

More information about our journey:

We are thrilled to begin our study abroad; however, it has and continues to require a great fundraising effort to cover the cost of the tuition, visa fees, housing, books, food, etc. for the both of us. This is more than we can raise on our musicians’ salaries alone. Therefore, we are pursuing many fundraising avenues for this endeavor as well as reaching out to those in the community who might be able to help financially support our effort. We are humbly grateful for all contributions to our cause.

Music is such an important part of the culture of Austin, Texas. As active participants in the city’s music, the most important focus for us is developing community using that culture. This program will allow us to devote ourselves to empowering our community through music upon our return in fall 2015.

Why Ireland?

Irish musical culture is largely centered on community participation. Music is not only welcomed at all occasions, but is expected and woven into daily life. If it comes up in conversation that you are a musician, the question is not “Will you play for us?” it is “Where is your instrument? Let’s hear a tune!” Not only will immersing ourselves in Irish musical culture allow us to further explore the traditional music we so love, it will give us the opportunity to soak up this supportive, welcoming attitude toward music-making.

Additionally, the training in and implementaion of community music programs are much more established in the UK.

A link of interest:


Why so much?
Our estimated budget for the entire year for both of us is $50,000. This includes $26,770 in tuition, $3,000 in airfare, $8,000 in lodging, $7,230 estimated in food, and $330 for healthcare, not to mention hundreds of dollars in books and materials as well as funds to get us back on our feet when we come home.

Sometimes asking for help is the most difficult thing to do. We were both raised to be independent, self-reliant humans, sometimes to a fault. We have both made it this far by the sweat of our own brows. We have volunteered our time and energy to build and strengthen our community through music and advocacy, and we have been successful thus far. We are now at a juncture in our lives where the path is too steep to climb without support.

We have found that many grants and government programs do not apply to us or are designed to benefit organizations, not individuals. Bank loans aren’t the most viable option, either. The country is currently in a student debt crisis; we are cautious of entangling ourselves with a federal student loan.

A link of interest:


Why should you care?
Austin, Texas is home to thousands of musicians and music-lovers, with more moving to town every day. If you live here, you are part of that community and in part, responsible for its health and welfare. For those of you who don’t live in Austin, supporting our effort to build a stronger community through more holistic and constructive means sets an example for other cities and individuals.

We appreciate all donations, large and small. If you are able to fund us with large donations, please contact us for information about hosting a concert or workshop with us on our return from the program as a thank you for your generosity.
Please visit http://www.youcaring.com/thegoulds to contribute. Thank you!

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